Santos Law Office, PLLC


Santos Law Office PLLC provides innovative state & local tax consulting services to business and real estate professionals.


SLO assists small business owners and real estate professionals with compliance obligations imposed by transaction privilege tax and property tax codes. SLO offers a variety of services ranging from designing a compliance program for a company to fully handling compliance obligations.

Due Diligence

SLO assists clients with due diligence review. For small business owners, SLO's due diligence review includes reverse transaction privilege tax audits​. For real estate professionals, SLO's due diligence review includes pre-acquisition property tax estimates and annual property tax budgeting.

Refund Claims

SLO assists clients with lowering their state and local tax liability. For small business owners, SLO pursues transaction privilege tax refund claims before taxing authorities. For real estate professionals, SLO files refund claims arising from property tax errors in prior-year tax assessments and valuation appeals to maximize tax savings opportunities in forward-year tax assessments.